We Can’t Hear You, Your Image Is in the Way

How Executive Image Elevation Can Improve Communication
Rest assured if you’re in front of an audience, they are judging you. It’s not nice, but it’s
human. Communication is more than words – everything about you is communicating to
your audience. When you have an important message to share, you don’t want yourself
(image) getting in the way of being heard.
Many subject matter experts (SMEs) are anxious before speaking in front of groups or
on-camera because of their mannerisms and/or appearance. Many feel they don’t “look
the part” or they must change their image to be successful. This is not always the case. In
fact, the most memorable and authentic communicators are those that embrace their
uniqueness and find their personal style regardless of the industry standard. What is
distracting may be a harsh tone, disheveled appearance or clothing that seems ill-fitting
or uncomfortable. When distracted, the audience may decide you don’t care about
yourself, which may translate to: you don’t care about them. When this happens, the
message is lost.
In most cases, lack of time, interest or knowhow to craft the image is the reason for the
disconnect. With the right tools, you will send a message of confidence and authenticity
to your audience.

Bond and Trade offers Executive Image Elevation Consulting – from a total image update to
helping you transition from business casual to casual or selecting clothing for a charity

imageconsulting #style #communication #thoughtleadership #executiveimageconsulting

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