How to Level-up Your Public Relations Strategy.

Companies with industry-specific messages, whether it’s finance, energy, FinTech, wealth
management or cannabis may have difficulty creating buzz-worthy public relations
campaigns. Here are 5 ways to level-up.

  1. Use Press Releases to Instigate a Story
    Please stop using press releases as THE public relations strategy. The purpose of a press
    release is to share newsworthy information with media so that they will be interested
    enough to write a story. If you are writing press releases and no interviews or stories
    follow, then they are not successful. You are wasting your time and desensitizing your
    media partners to your stories. Press releases should be short, to the point and omit a
    few details so the reporter must reach out to find out more.
  2. Show Up and Show Out for Diversity
    Many companies are evaluating their messaging and subject matter experts (SMEs) to
    ensure they are promoting diversity. A savvy public relations strategy goes further and
    develops meaningful relationships with diverse reporters, producers and publications.
    Media that caters to specific demographics, such as religion, race, gender and disability
    are often overlooked in media strategies. This can hinder authentic connection and
    necessary engagement with various client demographics.
  3. Harness the Power of Lifestyle Publications
    Decision makers who read the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times may also read
    Runner’s World, Black Enterprise and Instyle Magazine. Many Lifestyle publications have
    sections that cater to finance, tech and professional services. Often, your message is
    better received when the client is off-the-clock and there is a relatable story as a backdrop
    instead of market information or a sales pitch. Your SMEs also have hobbies outside of
    work. Leverage their interests to connect to target audiences in publications that cater to
    your target demographics.
  4. Use video pitches
    Hire a makeup artist and get your spokespeople camera-ready with short and energetic
    video pitches. They are more personable and make it easier for reporters to connect with
    the topic and SME. They can be reused as website, email and social media content. If the
    goal is to propel your SMEs into TV, these pitches are a solid introduction for producers
    and hosts.
  5. Create memorable experiences
    We all know the saying, “it’s not what you said, it’s how you made them feel.” This is true
    for your PR strategy. Effective messaging evokes emotions and through events the
    messaging comes alive. It’s no longer enough to tell clients what you are going to do, now
    you must show them through experiences that they can share with others via invitation,

word of mouth or social media. Media are drawn to events where they can share the
experience with your brand, products and services.

  1. Personalize the strategy
    Content that lacks personality lacks personal interest. When talking about market events
    it’s important to share stories that connect the emotion to the topic. For example, when
    discussing gas prices, sharing a story about the first time you realized how much it costs
    to fill up your gas tank – every driver can relate to that experience and will be more open
    to the information you share.
    In a fragmented media landscape, companies need sophisticated multi-layered media
    strategies to tell meaningful and authentic stories. These updates can elevate your public
    relations strategy by increasing client sentiment, media inquiries, share-of-voice and

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